Monday, May 23, 2011

Walking pneumonia....again!

Joshua has had a fever on and off since last Tuesday (6 days) with coughing, fever (high of 100.8), sore throat, and headache. He missed two days of school last week and missed school today which is the last week of school. It was an up and down week...feeling better one day, run down and fever the next. So...we headed back to the doctor's office today to find the verdict. He was diagnosed with walking pneumonia, and right ear infection. He also had been blinking his eyes frequently and complaining of itchy eyes. He had an vision test which came back 20/20 and Dr Matthews said that he had some conjunctivitis which is related to allergies. So, we headed out of the office with three prescriptions for Azithromycin, albuterol inhaler, and QVar, a new inhaler for long term maintenance of asthma. We should have used the Pulmicort on him to keep his asthma under control, but we thought he was under decent control and so we didn't give it to him. I was told that if we need to use his inhaler more than a couple times a month, he needs to be on a maintenance medication. Live and learn! Maybe now, we can prevent a future case of pneumonia!! Praying that he can enjoy his final week of school relatively sick free with all of the meds he is on now!

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