Monday, May 30, 2011

Leapin''s a tick!!!

With it being Memorial Day, we spent the day preparing to have our sump pump removed by Doug removing tile and me washing clothes as we will not have access to the addition for several days while the concrete cures. We wanted to get the kids out of the house, so we first checked out a potential pool membership for the summer and then went to Thompson Park to feed some very fiesty of which bit Taylor on the hand (luckily not hard as she didn't seem to be disturbed by the event). After playing a bit, we came home for some yummy burgers and then went for a walk/scooter ride to the Silver Comet Trail. On the way, Doug encountered a cute little turtle who seemed to be lost and out of sorts from his typical environment. Doug decided to relocate the turtle and Joshua excitedly followed. They ran through some tall grass to place the turtle back in the creek and then we continued on our journey to the trail, stopping every so often to pick some wildflowers/daisies along the way. On the way home, we enjoyed the first lightning bugs of the season and I caught a couple of them to show the kids. When we got home, Doug went outside with the kids to catch lightning bugs and then we decided to take quick baths before bedtime to wash off the stinky deet bug spray. I noticed that when Joshua took off his shirt, he had something black on his back. Doug soon noticed, too, and realized that it was a TICK!! Doug quickly got the tick off of Joshua and the tick hadn't seemed to bury his head into Joshua's skin yet. YUCK!! So, we all began scanning our bodies for bugs and I'll probably have nightmares about bugs tonight! Oh, those pesky bugs. The one downfall to summer!!! Otherwise, it was a great night!

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