Monday, March 28, 2011

Thunder and Lightning means NO SLEEP for most of the Harding household!

At 3:30 this morning, another storm came through our area with impressive thunder and lightning. It didn't take long for Taylor to come running down the stairs and into our room. She had been scared the other night around 10pm when we had a storm and she watched TV downstairs until the storm was over. This morning, she climbed into bed with us and was shaking and very jumpy and clingy to her mommy. I needed to get up to use the restroom and she was so shaken that she followed me into the bathroom. She then wanted to watch a movie and so I took her into the living room and put a Mickey Mouse movie on. I laid down on the couch for 30 minutes and then took her back upstairs and put her to bed as the storm had passed. Within 30 minutes of putting her to bed, another storm came through and down she came into our room again. This time, Doug put a movie on for her, and I was still trying to get back to sleep from the first go around. She came into the room two more times for food and water and at this point, I was so exhausted that I told her that she needed to stay and watch her movie in the living room. When I got up at 7am, I came into the living room, thinking that Doug had taken her up to her room when he went to work, but she was lying on the floor with blankets under and over her fast asleep with the TV still on at a low volume. Doug said that she was asleep on the chair when he left for work, so she must have heard the garage door and shifted to the floor. I'm hoping for a better night's sleep tonight!! I asked Joshua if he heard the thunder and he said that he woke up and got up and found two flashlights in case the lights went out and then went back to sleep. I'm thankful for only one scared child as I read facebook today and several moms had 2 kids crawl into bed with them last night!!

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