Sunday, March 6, 2011

Answer to prayer

I woke up this morning thinking and worrying about the right decision for Taylor in the fall with K4. Do we send her to the full day program with Ms. Garrett, or try to work it out with the school to send her half day with Ms. Garrett. Ms. Garrett's class is the only option that I'm willing to do for Taylor and her well being. She and Mrs Harrison seem to have a conflict in personality, so we are going to make sure that her first year is amazing with a teacher that she feels comfortable with and who really enjoys her. I was lying in bed and just asked God for the answer to this dilemma and I wasn't expecting a response so quickly, but an hour later, we were getting ready for church and Taylor comes walking into the bedroom. She starts telling Doug and I that she wants to go to school (church school). She also started talking about Joshua's school and how she wants to go to school. I ask her if she wants to be in Ms Garrett's class, and she says, "I want to go to Mrs Garrett's class Joshua's school". "I want to go all day". I don't know where this came from, but I'm thinking that God put those words in her mouth to calm my worries about what is the best option for her in the fall. We will go for full day and see how it goes. If it is too much, then we can just pick her up at noon from Ms Garrett's class and Ms Garrett is totally fine with that. Thank you Lord!

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