Saturday, March 19, 2011

Mrs Tomiko!

We were out biking today as a family with Taylor behind me in the trailer and Joshua on the tandem bike attached to Doug's bike. We were going along and I pass this woman, boy and husband on the trail. She smiled at me and I smiled back and we kept going. I thought, was that Joshua's preschool teacher, Mrs Tomiko, from Golden Start Preschool? We keep riding and Doug says, "Well, you can talk to her on the way back." So, about twenty minutes later, we come up to her on the way back at a cross stop. I say, "Mrs Tomiko?" And she says, "Yes!, I thought that was you and Joshua!" We start chatting with her and she was really excited to see us and it was so nice to see her again. She was so patient with Joshua not being potty trained during that year and they had a great year together. Joshua loved having her as a teacher and it was the perfect first school experience for him. He didn't remember her which I'm sure was a little bit hard for her, but it was still great to see her. Joshua was friendly and talked with her a little bit. She is no longer teaching and works as a property manager...such a shame b/c she was such a blessing to those kids, although, I'm sure that she is making a higher salary in her current job, which is totally understandable.

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