Friday, January 14, 2011

Snow day...or snow week!

Atlanta got the most snowfall since the early 1993. We got 4-5 inches in one night which caused school to be cancelled and then we got sleet which turned all of the snow into ice which closed school for the rest of the week. The kids had a great time playing in the snow on Monday. Mason, our neighbor, came over to play in the snow with the kids. They had snowball fights and had fun going down a snow filled slide. Taylor thought that it was hilarious to throw snowballs at the windows and spent most of her time doing that and then later went down the slide several times. Doug got out there for awhile to play with the kids, but I was coming down with a cold so I took some pictures and stayed inside. Joshua was invited to go over to Mason's later for hot chocolate and cookies. It was a great kid snow day here in Atlanta! Sledding would have been a perfect way to take advantage of the snow and Warrior Way's huge hilly road would have been the ultimate sledding hill, but we didn't have a sled. I found out that the redneck solution to using a makeshift sled was using a cardboard box. We thought of that but thought it would get soggy. Because of the icy conditions, I guess that the box worked out pretty well! I will make sure the have a sled handy in case we are ever in snowy conditions again to take advantage of some winter sporting activities! Daddy spent three days at home working and then made it into the office the last two days. I took the kids to the library and Publix on Thursday and made it home safely, even though Nickajack was a little icy in areas. On Friday, I got a little bit more bold and took a side road when Fontaine was closed off temporarily where sand was being put onto the roads. I got through one road just fine and then turned and started heading up a hill on the next road. I made it halfway up and noticed there was ice at the top of the hill. I decided that hopefully, there wasn't that much ice and I could get past it. Not so much! I got stuck at the top of the hill on solid ice and my tires were spinning and going nowhere. Thank the Lord, a couple of men drove up in a four whee drive and offered to help us. They eventually got behind the car and pushed the vehicle past the ice to dry road! We would have been sitting there stuck until a tow truck or Doug came by to help. I learned my lesson and played it safe after that and just went home!

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