Sunday, January 9, 2011

Polar Bear Tiger Cubs Camping Trip

Joshua and Daddy decided to face the fierce outdoors in January and headed out to Red Top Mountain for a weekend of camping in winter temperatures. They made it through both nights of camping, although, many did not stay the second night! The first night got down into the 30's and the second night got down to the low 20's! Yikes! They used their camping pads, sleeping bags with fleece liners inside, and another sleeping bag on top of the bag they slept inside! They managed to stay warm throughout the night and came home without any illness. I would say that the trip was a success! Joshua made it through the weekend with little effect from the cold until Sunday morning when Joshua's feet got really cold and he went into the car to warm up. Doug said that he was packing the car and when he returned to the car Joshua was crying because his feet were so cold. He put his warm boots on him and that seemed to help. Joshua had a great time playing with his buddies Jack and Patrick and came home smiling and very very tired! He did tell me that he wasn't ready to go on another Polar Bear trip yet. The cold feet put a little sting on the weekend high! Doug forgot to bring the camera so I didn't get to see any pictures! Taylor and I survived on our own with Taylor missing her daddy and brother pretty intensely. She wanted to see them badly and brought up their names about every hour. We were glad to see the boys safe and sound back home!

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