Monday, August 29, 2011

School Blues

Well, it's been another roller coaster K4 beginning with another child! Taylor is finding the adjustment just as difficult as Joshua did, but on a different level. Whereas, he didn't want to go and didn't like school or his teacher initially, Taylor likes school and her teacher, but wants to do her own thing and not adhere to rules. Today, she pushed another child out of line (a first for pushing), talked out of turn (not too concerned with this one...that will come with time) and ignored her teacher (am concerned with this one!). We are having to punish her for the bad behavior at school (no chocolate after school, etc) and it seems to work at times, and sometimes not. She has this independent spirit and is not yet willing to yield to authority. We are all praying for her success in school. Joshua told me today that he prayed for her at school today that she would have the best day yet. I had tears in my eyes as it was exactly what I needed to hear after another rough afternoon of finding out that she got another "unsatisfactory" behavior mark today. Grandma and Grandpa are praying about this and we are too, so Taylor, we are all in this together and praying that you will soon adjust and have a great year at CCS if that is God's plan for your academic early years!!

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