Monday, August 8, 2011

First Day of School

The first day of school has arrived! Joshua and Taylor were both excited to go and decked out in khaki shorts and blue shirt for Joshua and yellow shirt and plaid skort for Taylor! We took pre-school pictures and then took off for school. I walked Joshua to his class first and he settled in immediately. Mrs VanAmeringen has a huge heart and he is in great hands! Next, I walked Taylor to her class with Mrs Helms. Mrs Helms is new to the school this year and has a huge personality and tender heart. She is very welcoming and Doug and I both liked her from the moment we met her. Taylor walked into her classroom and was OK until I began to leave and then the tears came. She did not want me to leave and wanted to go home with me. Of course, I felt horrible, but I knew that she would be OK once she got accustomed to the situation. She did OK, but missed her mommy per conversation from Mrs. Garrett. Taylor wanted to wear a belt to school just like Joshua so she got a purple one and put it around her waist which I ended up liking the idea (even though is was against uniform) so that it would help hold up her skort which was a bit big on her. I don't remember the skort being so big when we tried it on, but it is a size 4 which is as small as they come. She ended up losing the belt on the playground and her skort fell down at school so that had to roll it down on the waist to help keep it up. Poor thing! First day of school and she loses her skort! I guess that she was quite embarrassed so mommy needs to do some surgery on the skort to make it fit better...I found out later that this happened to many K4 kids with either shorts of skorts! When she got home from school I gave her a stuffed animal kitty as a special gift for the first day of school and gave Joshua a stuffed dog. He had a great first day and really likes his teacher! One day down!

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