Saturday, April 23, 2011

The Hunt is On!

We had our Easter Egg Hunt today for Joshua...tomorrow was just too far away, so we went ahead and had the hunt today. The kids had a great time hunting for eggs and Taylor had a little help from Mommy and Daddy as her big brother was faster and better able to spot eggs faster. They both ended up with a basketful of eggs, both candy and money. The kids were trading candy that they liked/didn't like. We also dyed eggs today, a dozen to start out. I just had not gotten around to doing it in past years, but it will definitely be a tradition from here on out. Taylor and Joshua both LOVED dying the eggs and probably would have colored three dozen if we had them. I was going to hide them along with the plastic eggs, but then we decided that they may end up cracked in the process and Doug pointed out that the kids really wanted the eggs with candy in them, so we put the dyed eggs in the fridge. Mary, our babysitter, brought over a couple of stuffed animals and marshmallow suckers for the kids and they didn't want Mary to leave. They just love her and I think that she feels the same way. She is very considerate and always bringing over goodies for the kids on all of the holidays. I don't know what we would do without her! Looking forward to an amazing church service tomorrow and celebrating that our Jesus is Risen!! Thank you Jesus, for your amazing gift to us!

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