Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Daddy's out of town

We are roughing it with just the three of us for the night and all day tomorrow as Doug is in Melbourne with NS. Joshua's lip is looking better, although, a couple of boys at school were teasing him about it at recess and it made him cry a little bit (which made my heart cry). Kids can be so harsh and cruel at times! I told him that we need to pray for them to feel better about themselves so that they don't have to hurt others to make themselves feel better. I told Joshua that he is a lovable and likeable boy and that he has many friends...this is not something he has any control over. I pray that tomorrow will be a better day for he and these two boys. His lip really is looking better and it's only been 4 full days. It's amazing how fast the mouth heals from such a traumatic blow. Taylor and I spent some quality time this afternoon working on homework that she missed from last week when she wasn't feeling good one day at school and came home and then had a bloody nose in the carpool line the next morning and refused to go back to school once I got her home to change her. She worked very diligently on her homework today and finished every single sheet sent home (and there were at least 6 sheets). She was very focused and did a great job. She does not follow the arrows in which it tries to teach how to write the letters and numbers, but she does trace them and colors the areas she is supposed to (I had to remind her to use the colors that it says to use...this concept is not one she enjoys). I can tell that her skills are increasing and she seems to enjoy doing the sheets. Her teacher wrote an email to me yesterday saying that she has really good fine motor skills and that she is coming along in the classroom. I'm so glad that she seems to be settling into a routine at school and getting used to the structure a bit more. She still has her moments where she would rather stay home, but we are slowly getting there! Great job, kids! I love you both and am so proud of you!

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