Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekend with the cousins

We headed to Charlotte this weekend to visit the Michalaks as Doug continued on to VA to discuss Gran and Grandaddy's financial papers with Aunt Tricia. We were greeted by three excited cousins and joined the Michalak gang inside. We had a fun weekend, low key for the most part with the kids having some play time outside and exploring the creek behind the house. Up until recently, they had not explored the creek area and so it was a new and exciting experience to walk along the creek to see where it took us. Taylor and Lindsay enjoyed throwing sticks into the creek and the boys had their light sabers and were trekking through the brush and jumping back and forth across the creek. Ashley and Doug M were putting rocks into a straight line through the creek trying to build a dam to eventually form a small waterfall...a work in progress as the current state was mainly a scum sifter. The kids managed to stay dry and it was the highlight of their weekend. They also enjoyed jumping on the trampoline and playing with the Wii. Lindsay and Taylor got along really well and played the whole weekend together with very few toy issues. One night while we were there, Angela was tucking Lindsay into bed, and Lindsay said, "She (Taylor) only talks when I'm around" in a matter of fact way. Angela asked if she was talking about Taylor, and she said "yes". Taylor is quite shy these days and tends to speak selectively, so it was very impressive that Lindsay picked up on this. I'm glad that they enjoyed each other's company this weekend!

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