Thursday, February 17, 2011

Joshua loses a tooth and the loses the tooth!

Joshua and Taylor were out jumping on the trampoline today and all of a sudden Joshua comes running inside bawling. He tells me that Taylor knocked his tooth out and he shows me. He was so distraught because he told me that she had knocked out his "parent" tooth! I said, "Joshua, that's not an adult tooth that you lost, that's your baby tooth! The one that has been loose fell out". A sudden calm came over him when he realized that it was a tooth that would be replaced! the same time, he was still upset because he dropped his tooth in the yard on the way in to tell me about his tooth. Doug and I searched for the tooth at least 20 minutes with no avail. He was concerned about the tooth fairy coming when there was no tooth, so I told him that the tooth fairy would know that he had lost his tooth and that we would make a cut out tooth from paper and put it in the tooth fairy pillow instead. He was satisfied with this idea and all was right with the world once again:)

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